Nautical Publications
ISM-related deficiencies are in the top three most-reported deficiencies by port state control authorities globally. The ICS Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code helps shipping companies comply with the code and provides practical guidance for designated persons ashore and crew to develop, implement and maintain an effective, user-friendly safety management system. The sixth edition adds a brand new chapter on internal audits, and an enhanced toolkit of checklists and templates.
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code is a key mandatory requirement for merchant ships, and the safety management system (SMS) is a critical mechanism for ensuring safe and environmentally responsible operations on board ships. ISM-related deficiencies are in the top three most-reported deficiencies by port state control authorities globally.
The ICS Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code helps shipping companies comply with the code and provides practical guidance for designated persons ashore (DPAs) and crew to develop, implement and maintain an effective, user-friendly SMS.
The sixth edition adds a brand new chapter on internal audits, to assist companies with ongoing compliance, reduce delays at port and stay on top of continuous improvement goals. Packed with helpful tools and tips from some of the world?s leading shipping companies, it includes an enhanced toolkit of checklists for familiarising crew, writing procedures and checklists, and conducting internal audits, with templates for standard operating procedures and questions to assist the internal auditor during interviews of shore and ship based personnel.
It is strongly recommended that a copy is in every shipping company office and carried on board every ship worldwide. This includes shipping company executives, DPAs, masters and all other personnel ? shipboard and shore-based ? with ISM-related responsibilities. The sixth edition replaces and supersedes the Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code, Fifth Edition.