Nautical Publications
Many foreign ship owners are familiar with MET Publication 515:Rules and Regulations for Foreign Vessels Operating in the Navigable Waters of the United States, MET Stock# BK-520. That publication extracts those rules and regulations based on Titles 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations the apply to foreign-flagged vessels that plan to operate in U.S. waters.
Foreign vessel owners entering United States ports are subject to "Port State Control" exercised by U.S.officials. Similar controls are exercised by other Port States.
The purpose of the book is to assist foreign ship owners and shipmasters to become familiar with most aspects of PortState Control as practiced in the United States. To do this, we have reprinted selected chapters from the Marine Safety Manual, a U.S. Coast Guard publication, in the hopes that both cisitors to our nation's ports and our maritime law enforcement personnel will read the same material that guides this program and thereby simplify and standardize compliance.
Foreign vessel owners entering United States ports are subject to "Port State Control" exercised by U.S.officials. Similar controls are exercised by other Port States.
The purpose of the book is to assist foreign ship owners and shipmasters to become familiar with most aspects of PortState Control as practiced in the United States. To do this, we have reprinted selected chapters from the Marine Safety Manual, a U.S. Coast Guard publication, in the hopes that both cisitors to our nation's ports and our maritime law enforcement personnel will read the same material that guides this program and thereby simplify and standardize compliance.