Nautical Publications
Doctor Solly's love affair with the supertanker shines from every page of this majestic volume. He has produced a tour d'horizon which is also a tour de force. Aimed at a diverse readership " Supertankers" traces a logical path, in easily-understood anecdotal style, through the history of there great ships, their development, design, operation, manning and the economies of scal they represent.
The term "supertanker" has been used, to my knowledge, since the 1950's to describe classes of oil tanker starting at twenty-eight thousand deadweight tons and reising progressively to the five hundred thousand-ton behemoths which figure in this book. The history of their development, over four decades, embraces, technical innovation, tragic accidnt, human enterprise and human frailty, economic pressure, geopolitics and a vastly altered worl scene.