The primary aim of this book is to advise seafarers in general, and the officers and crew of merchant ships in particular, how best to deal with people encountered at sea as stowaways, migrants (including refugees) and the victims of trafficking. In each case, details of the Master's responsibilities and the required procedures are set out, along with preventative measures, appropriate preparation and the recommended response in stowaway and rescue at sea situations. Practical guidance is provided, focused on saving lives at sea and maintaining ship security and the safety of all on board.
Current trends and regions of higher risk are identified, with reference to the latest industry guidance and regulatory framework.
Although stowaways, trafficked individuals, refugees and other migrants may fall into distinct categories requiring different treatment, once on board a ship they are all essentially unauthorised people who present some common security risks, as well as specific challenges and responsibilities. These aspects are covered in the book, as well as noting circumstances in which the categories overlap.
The characteristics of the different groups are examined with reference to regional trends and current statistics. Case studies for stowaways and migrants from around the world are included. Detailed guidance is provided on the Master?s responsibilities and appropriate responses for seafarers at all stages in handling the different scenarios, including the duty to assist those in distress at sea and preventative measures against stowaway activity. The role of merchant shipping in migrant rescue, alongside the authorities and other organisations involved, is fully discussed, particularly in the context of the Mediterranean region. Migrant activity in the English Channel is also covered, with procedural guidance provided.
The planning and preparation required to deal effectively with stowaways and large scale rescue at sea is outlined, including reference to ship security plans, security roles and the necessary crew training.
Key points are summarised throughout the text and wherever possible graphic illustration used to convey information in a more interesting and easily accessible manner.
Annexes provide relevant extracts and summaries of the legal framework, regulations and guidance, along with useful checklists and forms.